Alternatively, you can find the EXCEL files under S:\Admin\General Admin Forms. Please note that you need to have one expense sheet completed for each program for each month. These must be filled electronically only. You have to indicate the department and specify the program name ( Hampers, Kids in the kitchen, Nourishing Potential etc. ) Please note that parking Excel document has settings to calculate GST and Subtotal but you have to indicate GST and PST amounts in expense spread sheet. If you had purchases for different programs ( for example GPGP and GPRC) a spreadsheet for each program needs to be submitted separately. Please submit ALL expenses by the 5th of each month. You need to sign the expense form, staple receipts, sign it and pass to coordinator for approval. In case you have to work remotely, please forward email with all necessary documents attached to your coordinator only for approval. We are hoping to receive one approved email. Please don’t include Finance team in the thread. When you need to use the Norwest Credit Card: Elena Kurakin Whether joining NWC for the first time, exchanging for a new device the appropriate forms must be completed and submitted to Finance.
Expenses, Mileage and Credit Cards
Finance Assistant
NorWest Co-op Community Health Centre
785 Keewatin Street, Winnipeg
MB,R2X 3B9
Phone: (204)-938-5939 | Fax : (204)-938-5994
Capital Asset Management
Expenses, Mileage and Credit Cards
Capital Asset Management