I’m Ready is a national research program to reach the undiagnosed and those at risk of HIV in Canada. If you want to know your status and help our research, just download the I’m Ready, Test app to order up to three free HIV self-testing kits or grab one of our kits at a pickup location near you.
Once you have your kit(s), you can use the app to test on your own and to get more information about HIV care and prevention. You can also book time with a peer navigator through our I’m Ready, Talk secure telehealth service for support with testing and connections to care at any point before, during or after you take the test.
Along the way, you’ll answer survey questions through the I’m Ready, Test app to help improve HIV testing and care in Canada.
Together, we can end HIV in Canada.
#imreadyprogram #HIVselftesting #knowyourstatus #connaissezvotrestatut
#HIVCAN #VIHCAN #HIVaidsawarness #programmejagis