Programs & Services

Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Mindfulness (CBTm)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is recommended as first-line treatment for most mental health conditions. However, many people do not have access to CBT due to long waiting lists. There are an increasing number of self-help CBT resources available (books, websites, online interactive programs). Many of these resources are good and easily accessible. People are more likely to use self-help resources when they have even a small amount of guidance from a therapist.

We have developed the Introduction to CBT Education Classes to help people:

  1. Learn the basic principles of CBT for depressive and anxiety symptoms
  2. Learn about good quality self-help CBT resources
  3. Get a head start on CBT as part of their recovery

Who is likely to benefit from these classes?

Any individual with a current diagnosis of a mental health condition that involves depressive and/or anxiety symptoms. Who is unlikely to benefit from these classes? People with currently high suicidality, active psychosis, cognitive impairment (e.g. dementia, head injury), and those who have had extensive cognitive behavior therapy previously. What to expect in the classes? Participants are welcome to bring one family member or friend to the classes. The classes will include both information and experiential learning. Homework will also be assigned weekly. The 4 classes will cover the following material:

  1. Class 1: Mindfulness, Basics of Cognitive Therapy, Thinking Traps, Thought Records
  2. Class 2: Mindfulness, Basics of Behaviour Therapy, Goal-Setting
  3. Class 3: Mindfulness, Principles of Healthy Living, Goal-Setting
  4. Class 4: Mindfulness, Anger/Assertiveness, Thought Records, Problem-Solving

Youth Hub 16+
A Woman’s Place 18+

Find Out More:
Programs run intermittently at Youth Hub, A Woman’s Place and Access NorWest with My Health Team (Health Management Group). For more information for yourself or someone you know please refer to the appropriate resource.


  • A Woman’s Place


    Office Hours
    Monday to Friday
    9:00 am –  5:00 pm
    Please call ahead of time if you are planning on dropping in.



    (204) 940-6624

  • Access NorWest


    785 Keewatin Street
    Winnipeg, MB R2X 3B9


    Walk in Connected Care

    Monday to Friday 9:00 AM – 7:30 PM
    Saturday, Sunday & Holidays 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM

    *We reserve the right to close WICC if capacity is reached. If the clinic is closed please go to another walk-in clinic or an urgent care site.
    *For current wait times please click here Access Norwest Wait Times 

    Primary Care Clinic

    Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 7:30 PM
    Saturdays 9:00 AM  – 4:30PM
    Sundays & Holidays Closed
    *By appointment only


    DynaCare Lab

    Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
    Closed Saturday,  Sunday & Holidays
    Visit the DynaCare website for more information.





