Programs & Services

Sexually Transmitted Infection Services


Are you sexually active or have you ever been? Norwest is a safe and non-judgmental environment to talk about STBBIs (Sexually Transmitted and Blood Borne Infections). We provide free, confidential testing and treatment for STBBIs. STBBIs include Syphilis, HIV, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and Herpes.

Who can Come?

  • Anyone over the age of 12 who:
    • Has questions about STBBIs
    • Wants information on safer sex
    • Has symptoms of STBBIs
    • May be at risk for blood borne infections (e.g. people who are sexually active, people who use drugs)
    • Wants STBBI testing
    • Needs STBBI treatment
  • Has had contact with someone that may have an STBBI
  • Needs care from a recent sexual assault

What we provide: