At NorWest Co-op Community Health the staff and volunteers share our mission to engage our community in cooperative health and wellness but we feel that those we serve are our best advocates. We’re here to support those who are in need.
“We have worked with Norwest on several projects over the years, valued that partnership and we are delighted to see how quickly the cooperative sprang into action alongside other non-profits and churches in the community.
Rev. Scott McAuley of Sparling United Church
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Every Thursday for 4 weeks I’ve received a “Good Food Bag” from NorWest Co-op. It has been a most lovely surprise and much appreciated! I can’t thank you enough for your generosity at this time of fear/hope.
Resident at Bluebird Lodge
Please extend my thanks and appreciation to NorWest Co-op for the Good Food Bags, also to the NorWest Co-op Community Food Centre.Also great thank you to Marlene – Rev. Scott & you, Harvey for all the work of delivering the food to our rooms.
Thank you for the grocery bags. They have come in very handy!
Actually several of my days! I appreciate the thought and care that goes into them. Everything gets used. I made the tuna casserole last night. I have never made this (eaten it but never made my own). My daughter gave me a tip – use plain crushed chips for the topping. I’ll try that the next time.
A Thank You Note to you all.
When I hear a knock at my door and I open it to find a grocery gift bag from the NorWest Co-op Community Food Centre, it bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart in knowing that someone is thinking of me in such a caring and compassionate way. To me it feels like a very special present. I never know what I’ll find inside and I can hardly wait to open it! So practical and so enjoyable a gift to nurture my health and to lift my spirit in this time of isolation and loneliness during this unthinkable COVID-19 pandemic. I am so very grateful for your generous gift. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for this unexpected act of kindness.God Bless you all.