E-Transfer Donation Form

Charitable Organization Number: 107787087RR0001

Our Vision: People taking control of their health.
Our Mission: To engage our community in co-operative health and wellness.

Donation Information

  • All donations $20 or greater are tax receiptable.
    I would like this donation to be anonymous.
    Personal information is required to complete all financial transactions and are tax receiptable. By selecting Anonymous, NorWest Co-op Community Health will not contact you based on this donation.
  • Donor & Tax Receipt Information

  • Auto-deposit has been setup however it is recommended that a password be setup as settings may differ at each financial institution and a password may be required.
  • Dedication Information

  • Optional
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Once the form has been submitted please complete an E-Transfer through your financial institution to NorWest Co-op Community Health at donate@norwestcoop.ca.

Please note that this form must be completed to ensure a tax receipt can be provided for all donations $20.00 or greater.