Get Involved

Become a Member

Help Shape the Future of Health in your Community

NorWest Co-op Community Health is the only health co-op in Manitoba. Member involvement helps us invest in our community and gives you a voice in shaping the delivery of our programs and services. Our members are truly on the road to community well-being.

Co-op Membership FAQ:

How much does it cost to become a member of the co-op?
Cost of co-op membership is a $10.00 investment, and membership never expires! NorWest members are essentially NorWest owners, and that allows our community to take ownership of both its collective and individual health and wellness.

Why become a member?
As a co-op, we look to our members to identify the needs of their community, and do our best to provide these services and supports. Our members are the first to learn of news and updates from NorWest, including any new programs and community events. Most importantly, co-op members are invited to vote at our Annual General Meeting. We want to hear from you!

Who can become a member?
Anybody over the age of 18 currently living or working in the Inkster area can become a member. The cost to join is only $10.00 and membership never expires!

To learn more about a membership, phone us today at (204) 938-5900.